Posted by admin
Posted on February 02, 2019
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Iron condor WikipediaThe iron condor is an option trading strategy utilizing two vertical spreads – a put spread and a call spread with the same expiration and four different strikes A long iron condor is essentially selling both sides of the underlying instrument by simultaneously shorting the same number of calls and puts then covering each position with the purchase of further out of the money calls and Iron Condors Explained Online Option Trading GuideThe iron condor is a limited risk nondirectional option trading strategy that is designed to have a large probability of earning a small limited profit when the underlying security is perceived to have low volatility The iron condor strategy can also be visualized as a combination of a bull put spread and a bear call spreadThe Iron Condor InvestopediaAn iron condor spread is constructed by selling one call spread and one put spread same expiration day on the same underlying instrument All four options are typically out–ofthemoney Iron Condor or Iron Butterfly which is better www Often I am asked as an optiontrading mentor “Which is better the Iron Condor or the Iron Butterfly” These are both short Vega trades meaning that they benefit from volatility lowering however the structure is different and the pros and cons of each are differentReverse Iron Condor Explained Online Option Trading GuideThe reverse short iron condor is a limited risk limited profit trading strategy that is designed to earn a profit when the underlying stock price makes a sharp move in either directionIron Condor Calculator Options Profit CalculatorAn iron condor is a fourlegged strategy that provides a profit plateau between the two inner legs Maximum risk is limitedIroncondorThis option strategy falls under the 6040 tax rule This means that 60 of the profits are taxed at the lower longterm capital gains rate and only 40 of the profit is taxed at the shortterm or ordinary tax rateIroncondorThis option strategy falls under the 6040 tax rule This means that 60 of the profits are taxed at the lower longterm capital gains rate and only 40 of the profit is taxed at the shortterm or ordinary tax rateOptions trading IQ Options trading tutorials focusing on helping you trade iron condors and other option income strategies without the bs learn moreWeekly v Monthly Iron Condors Options trading IQTheta baby That’s what it’s all about right Sell options with the highest Theta and watch the money roll in For many that means selling weekly credit spreads and iron condors What’s great about these weekly trades is that the money rolls in really quickly and you don’t have to wait for long to pick up your time decay
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